Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Should the U.S. get involved with other countries affairs.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Is it okay to jump in other people business
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Money Runs Out One Day!!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dead Confederate Soldiers
Look at this pointless battle,
all the dead soldiers lay around
most had families and friends,
they will never see again.
Where are they now,
with gun shot or stab wounds
fighting for what’s right
all the hard knock soldiers lives has come to and end.
All these soldiers
Are just left for dead

fighting for our world
in this big old hard case world full of land.
What about their families
At home cheering them on
how would they feel
if they knew a loved one was gone?
Forgive the ones that took these lives
The soldiers
this was a grieving time in history
They learned a lesson in history

Blood; Blood
please go away
why are so many solider dying
I feel sad for many the live
whipped, hornets, sawbonessoldiers
are in all kind of conditions
I hate seeing this everyday
Do you have any ideal what I see on a day to day basis.
I witness one solider with an Arkansas toothpick
piercing into his bread basket
Thinking he would be dead
Surprisingly he survived.
Chief cook
Why are we going through this?
Bottle washer
It is life the world needs to be fixed
One day it will all get better.
Fit to be tied
all these people are being wounded
on a day to bay basis
The world please come to a end with wounded soldiers and wars one day…
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My Life Growing up both Easy and Hard!!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
When is breaking the law justified.
The American Revolution started in 1775, what caused the war was that the Americans wanted to replace their government with another. Many of the reasons why were because most colonies wanted to break away from the British because of their taxes, trade regulations, and power. The war started out as a war for economic freedom. The war was a war thar ended up giving them their independence from Britians. That got it in the end.
Rosa Louise McCauley Parks was a civil rights activist, is the perfect example of a woman breaking the law that made a big impact on the world. Ms. Rosa Praks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. That right their sparked the begining of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. All of the colored people had picked a day to all boycott riding the dus, so that ended up in another arrest of Rosa Parks. Her reason for breaking the law was that she wanted not to be treated no different than the white people.
The Revolution and Rosa Parks were to major events of history, which ended up as justified laws that the world needed. I beleive these battles were fought so people could have their naturals rights. They were fought because both The American colonist and Rosa Parks wanted to be treated fairly without anyone else being treated better than the other because of what race or what side of the world they are on.
Both incidents were hisorical events to this day. They are being talked about and studied to this day. Without the bravery from the Americans and Rosa Parks this world would probably still be paying higher tax prices and still seragated blacks from whites. I am glad these two groups stood up for their rights. There rights were justified and very much needed.
Reflecting on The Boston Massaacre
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Back Then and Now !!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Would you Immigrate
It depends on where I am at in my life if I were to decided to immigrate somewhere, or move for money reasons or for freedom? I can't speak for everyone but I want a good paying job and if my life is on track and I was offered a better job in another country and I wanted to do what was in the job description of what I wanted to do then yes I would take the job, but if I was at a dead end and not doing anything with myself then yes I would move for more freedom if they really had more freedom.
What's the Purpose of the Government.
1.To protect the people from being harmed.
2.Provides assistance like medicaid and welfare.
3.They enforce laws so that the world can run smoothly.
4.Give people the opportunity to get a good education.
5.The government allows their citizens to vote.
If the world wasn't following its own guidelines, then yes I would start a war for the simple fact nothing in the world is going the way it should and they are not following their own laws. That is the only way to capture the attention of the peole of the world, Then I would do what I feel is right to get the response that I want.