Monday, August 11, 2008

What's the Purpose of the Government.

1.To protect the people from being harmed.

2.Provides assistance like medicaid and welfare.

3.They enforce laws so that the world can run smoothly.

4.Give people the opportunity to get a good education.

5.The government allows their citizens to vote.

If the world wasn't following its own guidelines, then yes I would start a war for the simple fact nothing in the world is going the way it should and they are not following their own laws. That is the only way to capture the attention of the peole of the world, Then I would do what I feel is right to get the response that I want.

1 comment:

carrie said...

Great list. Yes, when a country is corrupt and not following their own laws it is up to the people of the country to step up and make it known that that in unacceptable.

Good post overall. A couple small errors, and your 2nd response could be more detailed, but good. As is 17/20 points.