Monday, September 15, 2008

When is breaking the law justified.

There are alot of reason when it comes to the point when you may have to break a lwa of two to make people see the point that you are trying to get accross. Don't get it twisted I am not just saying you can just break the law just cause you can, but I am saying that some people have the right to voice their opinion on what they feel is right or wrong in the world. According to me right now in the world alot of wars need to be broken in this world today, and it just might take that person that broke that law to fix it.
The American Revolution started in 1775, what caused the war was that the Americans wanted to replace their government with another. Many of the reasons why were because most colonies wanted to break away from the British because of their taxes, trade regulations, and power. The war started out as a war for economic freedom. The war was a war thar ended up giving them their independence from Britians. That got it in the end.
Rosa Louise McCauley Parks was a civil rights activist, is the perfect example of a woman breaking the law that made a big impact on the world. Ms. Rosa Praks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. That right their sparked the begining of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. All of the colored people had picked a day to all boycott riding the dus, so that ended up in another arrest of Rosa Parks. Her reason for breaking the law was that she wanted not to be treated no different than the white people.
The Revolution and Rosa Parks were to major events of history, which ended up as justified laws that the world needed. I beleive these battles were fought so people could have their naturals rights. They were fought because both The American colonist and Rosa Parks wanted to be treated fairly without anyone else being treated better than the other because of what race or what side of the world they are on.
Both incidents were hisorical events to this day. They are being talked about and studied to this day. Without the bravery from the Americans and Rosa Parks this world would probably still be paying higher tax prices and still seragated blacks from whites. I am glad these two groups stood up for their rights. There rights were justified and very much needed.

1 comment:

carrie said...

I don't think this is the same version that we went over together....I know we made corrections to the other version, so I'm going to go with that version. Please see if you can re-post the cleaned up version.

Your conclusion is very strong. Good essay. The score for the other version is 48/50 points.